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Here we go…we are off to the races one week into 2019 and I have one crucial question for you today – how are those New Years Resolutions going so far?….

While motivation may still be high one week out, I want to deliver some Uber important High-Performance Coaching today that is going to ensure it stays high in the weeks and months to come.

The fact is that Google says only 8% of you will sustain motivation long enough to actually get to the finish line and achieve  your goals.

I hate stats like that but lucky for us here in The Mental Gym, we won’t be falling victim to those abysmal and downright depressing stats.

In today’s video brain training sesh, I hit you with the 3 biggest mistakes people make when setting New Years Resolutions (click here or below to start training your brain).

Those who fail to plan are really just planning to fail – and I want to make sure you make this your best year yet – so hit play and get planning your attack NOW!

The ROI will be the difference between success and failure…

Until next time, make every performance count!

-Coach Susan and The Elite Dream Team

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