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Do you value honesty in your relationships?

My guess is that the majority of you would answer “yes.”

But why?

Honesty breeds trust. Trust is an essential ingredient in a healthy relationship. When we trust someone, we feel secure in their presence. This security allows us to show up authentically and vulnerably, leaving us feeling empowered, respected and fulfilled.

On the flip side, dishonesty breeds distrust, which can quickly erode a relationship. When we lack trust in a relationship, we feel insecure. Insecurity triggers  blame, judgement and defensiveness. We are unable to show up authentically or vulnerably because we don’t feel it is safe to do so. This leaves us feeling disempowered, disrespected and unfulfilled.

A wise person once told me that the longest relationship you’re in is the one with yourself.

This begs the question, do you value honesty in your relationship with self?

Consider reflecting on the following questions this week to gain more clarity on where you stand with yourself:

Are you honest with yourself?

Do you trust yourself?

What does your communication with self look and sound like?

What would the quality of your communication with self look and sound like if it aligned with your expectations of an ideal partner?

Need help working on your relationship with self? We’re here to help!

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Thanks, and happy leading folks!

MJ Jennings | High Performance Leadership Coach

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