It often feels like September is the unofficial new year. After a summer of holiday time and letting loose, it’s a great time to reprioritize your health. I place my focus on building vitality, which is that sense of aliveness that we all want.
The world may be complex but when it comes to our energy systems—they operate on timeless principles. Here are the energy building gateways that high performers consistently go back to:
- Exercise
- Diet (high quality protein, lots of leafy greens and anti-inflammatory)
- Conscious relaxation through breathing exercises, meditation and yoga
- Being in nature
- Hydration
- Relationships
- Meaningful work or service to others
We also can’t forget priming the vitality of our mental and emotional health by digging into psychological fuel sources such as curiosity, passion and purpose.
- Make time to learn about a new topic or theme that has emerged in your work.
- Download some new books or podcasts that entertain and/or stretch your thinking in a new direction.
- Reconnect with your why—especially if you’re finding it hard to let go of vacation mode and get back on schedule.
- Schedule time to pursue an activity or hobby that fills your bucket.
- Another great way to connect to purpose is to look back to January and see your progress as that helps fuel your sense of mastery, which in turn connects you to growth, which is always the purpose for high performers!
– Coach Liane