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“Clients do not come first.  Employees come first.  If you take care of your employees, they will take care of the clients.” – Richard Branson


Richard Branson knows the value of leaning into people-centric leadership and how successful they can make his businesses but this type of leadership is still questioned by many.


Finally, we have research to back up what Branson has known all along:


The research is in.  The value of leading in a Leadership 2.0 way is significant, but why are we still struggling to change how we lead?  The answer is that we need to change our mindsets.  According to the Harvard Business Review:


Organizations worldwide spend roughly $356 billion on leadership development efforts. Yet, the BrandonHall Group, a human capital research and analyst firm that surveyed 329 organizations in 2013, found that 75% of the organizations rated their leadership development programs as not very effective. Why aren’t companies getting more bang for their leadership development buck? Our latest research suggests it’s likely because most leadership development efforts overlook a specific attribute that is foundational to how leaders think, learn, and behave: their mindsets.”


Becoming a sustainable, high-performing leader who leans into Leadership 2.0 strategies like building trust, fostering psychological safety, leading with empathy & curiosity and creating an inspirational vision requires that we first change how we think by changing our mindsets.  


Our mindset are the beliefs (or rules) that drive our decisions and, without changing your mindset, you won’t change the decisions you make, the behaviors you take and the results you achieve.


As Henry Ford said: “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.”


When you understand your mindset and the beliefs you have about how the world works and yourself, you can truly start architecting a mindset that empowers you to achieve the results you’ve always wanted to have.


Can you afford not to change your mindset?


One of the pillars of a high-performing team and Leadership 2.0 is fostering an environment of high psychological safety.  In this week’s Leadership Launchpad Project, we have psychological safety thought leader, Tom Geraghty to deep dive into the ins & outs of psychological safety.  Check it out on Apple, Spotify, Stitcher, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts and more!


If you want to work on your leadership mindset to become a 2.0 leader, Elite High Performance offers leadership mindset development, 1 on 1 leadership mindset coaching, burnout, DEI and other leadership services that will take your leadership mindset to the next level.  You can check out our Leadership Coaching Programs, Leadership Consulting Programs & Services or email [email protected] and we can discuss which one is right for you!

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