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If you are the parent of an athlete, or the coach of an athlete, please keep reading.


Sport disengagement is at an all-time high. I’ve spoken with dozens of coaches and parents over the last year and keeping their athletes engaged is by far the biggest challenge that they are currently facing. 


If you’ve noticed a lack of drive, clarity and motivation in your kids (or even felt it yourself), you are not alone. In fact, you are absolutely a part of the majority. 


But there are things we can do to change that.


That’s why I’m teaming up with two of my fellow coaches at Elite High Performance to offer a FREE Live Coaching Panel on “Disengagement in Sport” via Zoom next Wednesday, January 26th @ 7:00pm EST. 


This panel will help you:


  1. Understand the leading causes of athlete disengagement.
  2. Provide you with practical tips and tools for enhancing athlete engagement.
  3. Give you an opportunity to have your sport engagement questions answered by coaching professionals.


Click here (or on the link below) to register and reserve your spot. If you are unable to attend the live panel, registration will also give you access to the recording (so that you can watch it as your schedule permits).


These are challenging times, and this resource is meant to provide you with some much-needed support, guidance, and assurance that you’re not alone. We’re all in this together


Happy coaching (and parenting) folks, and I hope to see you all next Wednesday!


– Coach MJ

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