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stepping out of your comfort zone

We all have a comfort zone that consists of things we enjoy, things we know we’re good at, and things we have a lot of experience with. But true growth often lies in stepping out of your comfort zone and tackling challenges that push your boundaries. When it comes to making decisions about whether or not we engage with something or a task within our comfort zone, the decision is easy. We don’t come up against any huge mental roadblocks—there is little to no psychological resistance to doing it.

The opposite is often true for things outside of our comfort zone. These are things we may not think we’re ‘good’ at or we don’t have any experience with, so we experience feelings like lack of confidence, fear, and anxiety. These mental roadblocks can be enough to fully activate our avoidance patterns, making our response to be aligned with running in the opposite direction.

Everyone has a comfort zone, but some people are definitely better at stepping out of it to face their ‘fears’. These people often appear like they enjoy ‘putting themselves out there’, trying new things, almost dare-devilish at times. But the reality is, the reason why they are able to do this is because they look at these ‘fears’ as nothing more than something they don’t know well or as an area they haven’t fully developed mastery or skill in. People who act in avoidance to things outside of their comfort zone interpret those fears as being absolute; if they fail, they are a failure.

Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset

Facing your fears or stepping out of your comfort zone all goes back to one thing: do you have a fixed or growth mindset? Do you see your ‘fear’ as an opportunity to learn something you know nothing about? Or do you see it as a threat to your self-concept?

A growth mindset is essential for pushing beyond your familiar boundaries. It allows you to embrace challenges as opportunities for personal development. By viewing “fears” as areas for growth, you’ll be more likely to confront them, learn from the experience, and ultimately expand your comfort zone. To learn more about the “growth mindset,” please click here


Tips for Stepping Outside of Your Comfort Zone

  • Start small: Don’t try to conquer your biggest fear right away. Begin with manageable challenges that gradually stretch your boundaries.
  • Focus on the benefits: Remind yourself of the positive outcomes that come with exploring unfamiliar territory, such as increased confidence and new skills
  • Celebrate your successes: Acknowledge and reward yourself for each step you take outside your comfort zone. This reinforces positive behavior.
  • Seek support: Surround yourself with positive and encouraging people who will support you as you step outside your comfort zone.


By addressing these areas and taking actionable steps, you can make significant progress in venturing beyond your familiar boundaries and embracing a growth mindset

If you need help developing a growth mindset, please schedule a free 30-minute one-on-one consultation with us.

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Lauren Williams | High-Performance Coach 

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