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In a corporate context, leaders often struggle to connect with their people when trying to change systems, behavior, and/or to get buy-in for their initiatives. 

Oftentimes, it’s because they spend more time with charts, figures, data, business cases, and science, rather than on connecting with their audience in more creative ways and using the power of emotion to drive their points home.  

Telling a story is a powerful, creative way to bring emotion into the discussion and to help it land deeply in your audience’s minds and memories. 

On this week’s Leadership Launchpad Project podcast, Gabrielle Dolan joins Rob Kalwarowsky I to talk about how stories are the best way to connect with your people, build trust, help change their perspectives, communicate priorities and deeper meaning, as well as explore what most people get wrong when telling stories, what makes a great story and how to use storytelling in a work context. 

Find it on Apple here!

Special Offer! We are giving away 10 free Fearless Organization Scans & Debriefs. If you’re one of the first 10 people to me about the scan, you can get one for your team! To claim yours while they last, please contact our director of operations at: [email protected]. Find out more information on the psychological safety assessment here!

When looking to play your biggest impact game, the art and science of storytelling is one powerful mindset strategy to add to the toolbox. 

This episode is a roadmap that will show you exactly where to begin, so make sure to give it listen and share it with your leadership tribes, help spread the leadership 2.0 mission, and let’s all unite to change the way the game of life and business is played forever. 

Your highest potential is our passion, so let’s unleash it together!

-Coach Susan

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