At the Leadership Launchpad Project, we believe that leadership starts with taking responsibility for leading yourself well.
We lean into learning more about ourselves, by asking; what are our values, what are our unique gifts, what’s in our sweet spot, how do we want to show up in the world, and what’s our vision for ourselves?
As this week’s guest Neil Pretty says, starting with yourself allows you to better understand your blind spots, your flaws, and your gifts. It’s what sets you up to lean into what makes you uniquely special so that you can maximize your potential to positively impact the world.
On this week’s Leadership Launchpad Project podcast, Neil Pretty joins Rob Kalwarowsky & I to talk about arriving at leadership in a service-based way, what leaders need to do to navigate ‘Return to Work’ and we get Neil’s perspective on how to identify your special gifts so that you can play your biggest impact game and contribute that value to the world.
You can find it on Apple here!
Special Offer! We are giving away 10 free Fearless Organization Scans & Debriefs. If you’re one of the first 10 people to me about the scan, you can get one for your team! Hit reply and let me know if you want one! Find out more information on the psychological safety assessment here!
This world needs your special, unique gifts more than ever, so make sure to check out this week’s game-changing interview and share it with your leadership tribes so that you can join us on our mission to change the way the game of life and business is being played forever.
Your highest potential is our passion, so let’s unleash it together!
-Coach Susan