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Do you feel a sense of belonging at work?

Do you feel that your voice matters?

Do you feel safe enough to express your opinion authentically on the work front? 

Do you or your leaders focus on cultivating an environment that recognizes each person’s value? That encourages every single person to contribute to the collective conversation? Does that celebrate the diversity of thought at the table?

How do psychological safety, diversity, and inclusion practices have the power to create a high-performing team or destroy your team’s performance, mental health, and ability to impact together?

If you have any of these questions, this week’s Leadership Launchpad Project podcast with Minette Norman is the place to start. Minette Norman is a Transformational Leadership Expert, who focuses on building inclusive and psychologically safe work environments. 

She joins us on this week’s show to talk about inclusive leadership, workplace bullying, and the interactions between psychological safety, diversity, inclusion & high performance. Check it out here.

Ready to take your leadership to the next level? Join Lauren Williams & Rob Kalwarowsky in the Leadership Launchpad Project program here. You’ll be able to get the leadership & mindset strategies you need to up your impact game at work, at home, and in your communities. Registration closes on June 11 so sign up here today.

We are calling on you, our powerful tribe of 2.0 Leaders – this world needs us more than ever, on our mission to change the way the game of life and business is being played forever.

Your highest potential is our passion, so let’s unleash it together!

-Coach Susan

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