Diet is one of the biggest high-performance habits that I practice regularly. With my background in nutrition, I’ve always looked at food as a powerful way to improve emotional, mental, and physical well-being.
However, like many people out there, I’ve felt my dietary habits slip over the past year and in particular during periods of lockdown.
Collectively we all feel so deprived right now and there is so much that we can’t control that food has become that one area in our lives in which we can have exactly what we want when we want it.
Now that we’ve hit the beginning of March and spring is on the way the time feels right for a refresh on this high-performance habit.
This month I’m going to focus on building out my meals with good quality protein paired with lots of colourful vegetables and limiting sugar. I hope you’ll join me in rethinking and revamping the role of diet in your performance and moving towards a reset!
-Coach Liane