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This week we chose to unpack the topic of inspiration because we know this is when we need that emotional resource more than ever.

It’s the dead of winter, -10 C here in Toronto, and we are in full lockdown mode again due to the second wave of Covid.

It’s times like these when we need to know exactly where to go to find and connect with our inspiration the most.

When life challenges us to our limits mentally, we need to know where to go inside of ourselves, to lift ourselves up emotionally and give us the strength to forge ahead in a meaningful way.

So we want to know…Throughout this week’s exploration, have you found your go-to strategy for accessing and activating your inspiration?

If not, here are some of my top picks from my very own go-to inspiration playlist:

-listen to classical music, pull out the paints and canvases & let ‘er splat

-watch a documentary on one of my fave topics (human behaviour)

-read a biography about the journey of someone who changed history in a super-impactful way

-purposefully daydream about what I would do if I had zero limitations on my time, energy or focus (then vision board what I imagine doing)

-take a mini-road trip to a new part of the city that I’ve never explored before

-pick a random theme (like snap, crackle, pop) and make up a new recipe from scratch

Thinking outside the box isn’t easy when you’re stuck inside one physically, but hopefully we’ve made a compelling case as to why you simply must cultivate and own your inspiration mindset strategies, especially right now, as we all battle to sustain ourselves through these difficult times.

Remember, we are all in this to win this together.

Your highest potential is our passion, so let’s continue unleashing it together!

-Coach Susan

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