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One of the struggles we see most with hustlin’ and bustlin’ High-Acheivers is going too fast and missing all the warning signs of when it’s time to start levelling up.

Burn-out, crankiness, too much anxiety, persistent frustration, overwhelm, loneliness, and rage, are all very common warning signs the brain sends out as smoke signals, calling on us to pump the breaks, get real still, and pay attention to our inner core self whispering to us about what we need that we’re not getting.

Too many High-Achievers choose to ignore the smoke signals and continue to recklessly keep the peddle to the metal until they hit the brick wall – because their self-worth, sense of control and sense of safety in the world depend on it.

This second wave of Covid sure is sending up a lot of smoke signals for most of us. The pandemic fatigue is setting in and we’re all losing steam – this is where our resiliency is being tested the most.

We’re coming to the finish line of a very challenging year and probably the greatest level of disruption in this world in our own lifetime. The days are colder and shorter and we’re heading into the strangest Christmas of all time – disconnected physically from our loved ones.

Feeling some difficult feelings is bound to happen to us all – it’s how we choose to deal with our feelings that will determine the course we set for the year ahead.

If we know how to turn adversity into the opportunity for growth, we will navigate the storm optimally. If we don’t, it could sink our battle ship – at home, at work, in our bank accounts and in our bodies.

Are you feeling or seeing any smoke signals? Are you choosing to let the issue deal with you instead of dealing with the issue yourself?

Those who answer the call when their emotions are telling them to level up will navigate 2021 the best. Those who let it go to voicemail will continue to sink, struggle and suffer.

We’re in this to win this together my fabulous, fierce tribe, so that’s why we will be coming to you all week with our greatest resources of thought leadership, helping you to answer the call to level up.

Your highest potential is our passion, so let’s unleash it together!

-Coach Susan

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