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Despite becoming more accepted in society, mental health still carries a significant enough stigma that people continue to suffer in silence. At Elite, we wanted to do our part to help break the stigma.
Throughout the day we will each be sharing some of our experiences in helping others take their mental health and performance to the next level.
Mental health is one of the most important aspects of the human experience. We want to celebrate those who are bold enough, brave enough to take charge of their mental health, become a leader for their community, and level up their mindset to become the best version of themselves they possibly can be.
Here at Elite, we have curated and cultivated a community of amazing people… leaders, mothers, fathers, athletes, entrepreneurs, business men and women…who are as passionate about finding their best self as they are about accomplishing their next goal.
This community, my high performance tribe has become one of the most supportive, collaborative, and strong communities.
It’s amazing the things that can happen when you gather the courage to talk to someone. It’s even more amazing when you realize that you’re not alone. You’ve never been alone.

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