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I’m sure you’ve heard of the term, associated with warm and fuzzy feelings of happiness and togetherness. Yes, gratitude can spark those emotions and feelings within us but have you considered the physiological and mental good that practicing gratitude can do for the human body and mind?

Not many people recognize gratitude for what it is: a powerful tool to improve mental health and well-being.

In a randomized study done by researchers Joshua Brown, Ph.D. and Joel Wong P.hD., at Indiana University revealed that participants who participated in a daily practice of gratitude in addition to counseling actually saw better mental health improvements following the conclusion of counseling services than those participants who did not practice gratitude.

These conclusions point to the idea that practicing gratitude has a positive impact on our overall wellbeing not only when we find ourselves healthy and well-adjusted, but also when we’re struggling with our mental health.

Practicing gratitude is one simple and effective way that we can connect ourselves to real, positive emotion that has a lasting impact on our overall wellbeing.

What are you grateful for?

Coach Susan

The link to the article is here:

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