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The amazing new “Rising Above Covid19 – A New Perspective” virtual global summit hosted by Melissa Hughes and Lisa LaJoie is happening NOW (May 23rd – 29th, 2020). ⁣


Are you feeling the struggle in these uncertain times and you want to gain perspective on how to realign and redefine where you are going after Covid-19? Are you ready to be inspired and learn the skills to reach your peak performance?⁣

I am honoured to have been hand-selected as one of the Master Teachers to support the world during these times of change at an inspirational FREE 7-day virtual summit happening from May 23rd to 29th, 2020 and I think it’s just what we all need.⁣

In fact, here’s just a sample of what’s in store for you if you register for this amazing virtual global summit. You’ll:⁣

Hear my story and true stories from people who have endured similar struggles as you, created and implemented systems to end these struggles, and have begun to experience their greatest dreams. ⁣

Learn how to create your own success emotionally, personally, and financially by hearing and following the footsteps of unwavering people who have found the ways that work. ⁣

Understand how to thrive in these times and stay in your purpose.⁣

Be educated, motivated, and recognize just how powerful we individually are.⁣

Miracles DO happen and that is the inspiration behind this summit, so don’t delay. Claim your spot and join us
⁣-Coach Susan

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