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New month, and that means a new hot topic to dive deeply into here in The Mental Gym- drum roll please….

High-Performance Health.

Why did we chose to brain train all of you on this incredibly important high-performance concept this month? We like to teach our clients that health is the vehicle that not only helps you realize your peak potential in all areas of performance, but most importantly, helps you sustain peak performance over time.

Health is a resource, like time, energy and focus, and therefore, it needs to be managed strategically in order to get max growth and max ROI.

The problem we see with the high-achieving crowd that we work with, is that health, often times, is the first thing to get de-prioritized when under the performance gun.

You simply can’t perform optimally without your health – mentally, emotionally, physically, even spiritually – your health in all 4 of these realms, will predict how much of your potential will be realized.

We can hardly wait to dive deeply into this one with you all this month – back to school means back to working on those high-performance goals – so let’s make sure you have the health resources you need to get there.

Are you a

High Performer?

Take the test now to find out if you’re a high-acheiver or a high-performer – because there is a difference and it is affecting your quality of life.

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