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Most people don’t realize this, but peak states of performance require a ton of self-trust.

In fact, our results in any area of performance are a natural reflection of the quality of the relationship we are in with ourselves.

Trusting yourself to show up and push the edges of your comfort zone is the bedrock for having the confidence and courage you need to let er rip!

Trusting yourself to be able to handle whatever pops along the way, in pursuit of excellence, helps you maintain the resiliency and quick recovery time necessary to do your very best each and every time.

Trusting that you have done all that you can do to prepare properly in lead up to the event, settles your fears, anxieties and self-doubts.

And trusting that you can access and manage your flow state effectively, helps you access the inner drive and power that sets you up reach maximum levels of your potential.

How’d you do on your self-trust checklist? If you’ve been following along and doing the exercises this month, we know you’re ready to make the last quarter of 2019 you’re best performance yet ????

Are you a

High Performer?

Take the test now to find out if you’re a high-acheiver or a high-performer – because there is a difference and it is affecting your quality of life.

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