This is our favvvvourite question of them all….
So many people challenge this mindset –
They say things like “why does that even matter? We are busy just trying to maintain. Who has the bandwidth to strive for more? Why is striving for more so important anyways? All I can manage right now is getting by.”
We get these types of rebuts all the time – as High-Performance Coaches we constantly get questions like these.
That’s why we chose to make this our soul focus for the month of June – because we welcome those challenges.
Nothing great ever happens inside the comfort zone. Greatness lies outside of it. Period. Bottom line.
And we chose the path that has us as those people in your lives – showing up in a space that supports your greatness.
In fact, you can count on us for that. Look around right now and ask yourself who plays that role in your life?
Every High-Performer has intentionally put that person in place – because they know that is a requisite part of growth.
Left to its own devices, the human brain will stay in the comfort zone – that’s where it is most “comfortable”.
But the reality is that the comfort zone is what we rescue people from every single day.
What lies outside of the comfort zone is life – lived. Fully blast, in 3D, virtual reality if you will.
Playing your biggest game is the portal to that experience – what we at Elite like to call the #HQLE (high quality of life experience).
We know, we know – that’s the above average human experience – but that doesn’t mean that we we stop striving for it.
That’s the goal for a true “High-Performer”. To show up excellently in all the areas of life that really matter – health, wealth, self, business and relationship.
And that’s what the mindset of “playing your biggest game” creates.