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What is Leadership REALLY all about?

Hot new topic to unpack this month here in The Mental Gym – what is leadership really all about?
High-Achievers are all leaders in some aspect of their performance (even though they don’t think of themselves that way) – so it’s an imperative question to tackle when pursuing excellence is what they’re after.
Whether their official title announces it to the world (The Big Boss, Executive VP of …, Manager, Director, Entrepreneur, Practitioner), or they wear the silent name tag of Mom or Dad, Coach of…Team, instructor, mentor, teacher, etc. it’s all leadership folks.
Those of us pursuing a goal in any area of our lives, whether that involves others or not, must make this one key realization and critical distinction:
Leadership is about impacting results as positively as you can  – which requires maximizing your potential so that you can achieve that goal to the best of your ability.
And whether we formally lead others and are in charge of helping them reach their goals or informally do that by the ripple effect felt by those around us feeling the impact of how we show up in the world (that’s right – we don’t actually ever live in a bubble) – we are all leading results in our lives that affect those we impact in the wake of how we choose to show up each day.
That is why High-Performers relate to themselves in this critical way when they answer the subconscious call everyday to the question they ask themselves when they show up in the world “who am I?”
I’m a leader – I impact results in my life. Results that matter to me. Maximizing my potential today requires I first lead myself in the right direction. The ripple effect of how I show up in the world today will be felt by others. And that will be my legacy someday and the result I care most about impacting. So let’s make every performance today count towards that one HUGELY important result!

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