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Happy Saturday,

I’m just coming off one of the best events I’ve been at all year – Impact Lives, hosted by my good friend and esteemed colleague Dr. Meghan Walker ND.
What a game changer experience this was.
I had the pleasure of kicking off the event with my opening keynote on ‘The Power of Mindset – How to Have Max Impact,’ in which I laid down the brain training strategies that would set this room full of clinician  entrepreneurs up with the tools for getting powerful results with patients.
One of the biggest opportunities I had during this weekend event was to engage many of them in dialogue about their top high-performance habits (the topic we are diving deeply into exploring this month).
The theme I calibrated that was most consistent amongst all of them was that they all had the habit of coming from a place of purpose.
In this week’s video training, ‘Purpose as THE High-Performance Habit (click here to watch),’ I share with you why this habit is THE most powerful high-performance habit of them all.
Disciplining yourself to develop this habit has the power to change everything in your work, relationships, health and wealth, which is exactly why we love it more than any of the other habits we’ve explored this month.
Making choices from a place of alignment and congruence with all that is most meaningful to you not only has the power to help you connect with others and inspire them with your valuable ideas and expertise, but is one strategy of thinking that will always lead to a sense of deep fulfillment – which is the key to sustainable peak performance for a lifetime.
Until next time, make every performance count!
-Coach Susan and The Elite Dream Team

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