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Happy Monday,

I have a lot of clients right now who are barely holding on to get to their holiday vacations.

They are hanging by a thread mentally, emotionally and physically, and the story I continue to hear that is roadblocking them is “I can’t wait for the holidays. I’m going to totally unplug and recover then.”

The problem with this strategy is that it has one predictable negative outcome – when we reach the point of complete and utter exhaustion, there is no amount of holiday that can restore us.

Unfortunately, when we reach the point of burnt-out, the choices we make are not high-quality enough to get us back into our peak state.

In this week’s ‘MoMonday Video: Get the MOST Out of Your Holidays (click here to watch),’ I share with you a much better strategy for ensuring you maximize your holiday vacation time.

You’ll absolutely love this timely reminder. It is one I’ve used over the last week myself and feel the positive affects of already.

Until next time, make every performance count!
-Coach Susan

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