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Happy Monday,

Do you ever feel like an imposter?

Whether it’s as a mom, business owner, or leader at work, can you relate to the thought process “man, I really hope I never get exposed for my lack of expertise”?

I have a client that I am currently working with that struggles with this one. She is constantly afraid that people will find out that she’s not as good as they may think she is.

The constant fear running in the background of her subconscious mind has eroded her self-confidence to the point where she is now struggling with her performance on the work front.

In this week’s ‘MoMonday Video: Imposter Syndrome (click here to watch),’ I share with you the exact coaching I gave her to combat the issue.

I love this week’s tool, for anyone who is struggling with their confidence.

It’s one that I personally use myself when I have important performance goals to reach.

I know you’ll love it too, because not only is it quick and easy to use, but it works extremely well too.

Until next time, make every performance count!
-Coach Susan

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