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Happy Monday,

As you all know, I recently did a podcast with Naturopathic Doctor extraordinaire, Dr. Meghan Walker, on the concept of ‘High-Performance Habits.’

Click here if you missed it: Episode 010: High Performance Habits with Coach Susan Hobson

The podcast has received tremendous feedback from past, present and new clients alike, on how powerful the coaching I gave was, especially for those undergoing the process of raising the bar on their performance.

The one concept listeners loved learning about the most, is the topic of this week’s ‘MoMonday Video: The Professional vs The Dabler (click here to watch).’

The difference in these 2 psychologies is the biggest predictor of whether you will succeed in your goal-setting and getting efforts.

So, do you know which one you are?

Find out in less than 3 mins when you press play on this week’s awesome coaching session.

Until next time, make every performance count!
-Coach Susan

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