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Happy Monday,

As most of you know, I’m going through a tremendous growth period in my business right now. With this growth, comes a lot more responsibility on my plate and a longer list of weekly to do’s.

As a high-performance coach, I know all too well the importance of building strategies for sustainable success. Putting more on your plate without taking anything off is definitely NOT a sustainable strategy for long-term success.

With more on my plate now than ever before, I have found myself having to reach into my very own toolbox to activate some of my favourite time management tools.

In this week’s ‘MoMonday Video: The To Stop Doing List (click here to watch),’ I dust off one of my oldie but goodie tools for this very thing.

Let me tell you, so far so good-it has already been working for me like a charm.

I’m excited for you to hit play and check out this week’s training on how to make space for change-it is a simple strategy that has the power to generate huge results.

Until next time, make every performance count!

-Coach Susan

Susan's Signature

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