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Happy Monday,

It’s officially back to school and that means back to work-on our businesses, our health goals, building our relationships, reaching our financial targets, etc.

Do you know what 2 beliefs must be in the room at all times when working towards the achievement of any of these important performance outcomes?

Without these 2 beliefs at play in your brain when you make all those autopilot daily decisions (remember that’s 95-97% of your daily choices), chances are you won’t make it across that finish line.

In this week’s ‘MoMonday Video: The 2 Must Have Beliefs (click here to watch),’ I show you what 2 beliefs I am diligent at helping my clients build each and every high-performance coaching session.

All you have to do is press play and ask yourself if you have these 2 beliefs at play in your psychology. If not, take my advice and get to work on building them ASAP!

Hint hint…if you take my advice, your levels of motivation and confidence will sky rocket.

Until next time, make every performance count!

-Coach Susan

Susan's Signature

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