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Happy Monday,

Hoping you had a wonderful long weekend my high-performance friend. I know I did.

Back to work today and that means it’s time to get back into the mental gym for your weekly motivational training session.

I’m pumped to share this week’s message with you because it is a training that I received early on in my athletic career and one that changed the trajectory of my entire life.

In my opinion (and science’s), it is what separates high-achievers from those who never leave the runway.

I attribute my academic, athletic, professional and personal success to this brain training principle. I enjoy high-performance health, wealth, self and relationships every day of my life thanks to developing this high-performance mindset.

I promise you, if you apply it to your own life, you too will enjoy a high-quality of life experience.

In this week’s ‘MoMonday Video: The Growth Mindset (click here to watch),

I teach you the very same lesson I was lucky enough to receive early on in my life.

Time to press play and get to work on training that high-performance brain of yours.

Remember, just 5 minutes in the mental gym watching this week’s training could change the trajectory of your entire life like it did mine.

Now that’s a training session you definitely don’t want to miss out on 🙂

Until next time, make every performance count!

-Coach Susan

Susan's Signature

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