Happy Monday,
Happy Easter my high-performance friend 😉
I know you’re spending today with family so I won’t take too much of your time.
I had a client who tried to make space for change this past week. She came through my door, totally distraught, beating herself up for not having completed the homework assignment.
This is typical of my high-performance clientele-they beat themselves up whenever they fail to achieve results.
The assignment was to find 5 minutes to connect with herself. Directed conversation with herself aimed at connecting with her experience, so that she could figure out how she was feeling and why? Was there something that she needed?
In today’s ‘MoMonday Video: Make Space For Change (click here to watch),’ you will discover the purpose behind this exercise. I promise you this is one of the most beneficial exercises you could possibly do to help you get to the next level of your performance.
I do this exercise every single day, quite simply because it works incredibly well. It is a habit that helps ensure that I stay at the top of my game in every important area of my life.
Congrats for spending a couple of minutes investing in your personal and professional growth and development this Easter holiday Monday. Doing so shows you that your high-performance goals are important to you.
Until next time, make every performance count!
-Coach Susan