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Happy Monday,

I had a client turn the tables on me today by asking me what I do in my mental gym each day.

What are your daily mental routines she asked me?

My favourite mental exercise, and thus the one I do routinely every single day, is journaling at the end of each day in my processing tool.

At the end of each day, I ask myself the very important and powerful filtering question, how am I feeling and why am I feeling that way?

The emotions are powerful messengers between the brain and the body. If you want to know how you are doing, check in with your emotions. They are the window to your psychology.

In today’s ‘MoMonday Video: My Personal Mental Routine (click here to watch),’ I share with you my personal daily success ritual. This is my favourite tool by far and the one I personally choose to ensure I stay at the peak of my performance in every area of life.

Remember, writing things down is a psycho-motor activity, helping you to process on a much deeper level.

Use today’s exercise to get on top of the mental roadblocks as they appear so that you can get strategic about how to solve those nagging performance problems.

I guarantee this is one of the most performance-enhancing habits you could ever create. That’s why it’s my personal fav ;-).

Until next time, make every performance count!

-Coach Susan

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