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Happy Monday,

Here we go…it’s officially 2016. Happy New Year!! Are you ready to hit the ground running towards the achievement of those New Year’s Resolutions?

Of course this has been my first question this past week as I got back into the coach’s chair-after all, I love any excuse to ask people about their goals.

The response I have been getting is very interesting and not what I like to hear as a high-performance coach.

Many of my clients hold very negative associations with the idea of setting New Year’s Resolutions.

“Why bother? They never work.”

“I still have the same ones I failed at achieving last year.”

“I don’t want to have to give anything up.”

“They feel like a lot of work.”

The key, I’ve taught them all, is in the approach. New Year’s Resolutions are just goals in disguise and how you ‘set’ your important performance outcome goals is everything in terms whether or not you will actually ‘get’ there.

In today’s ‘MoMonday Video: Resolutions That Work’ (click here to watch), I show you the trick to setting New Year’s Resolutions that your brain wants to and can achieve. I show you the proper way to word your goals for 2016 so that your brain creates and holds the proper performance-enhancing associations.

Remember my high-performance friend, preparation is the mother of all skill. How you prepare says everything about what you will achieve.

Those who fail to plan are really just planning to fail, so take a few minutes to watch today’s free motivational training video on how to set the stage for success in 2016.

Then sit down and get to work on setting resolutions that will work and make 2016 your best year yet.

Until next time, make every performance count!

-Coach Susan

Susan Hobson B.A., CLC, MNLP

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