Happy Monday,
I hope everyone had a wonderful Father’s Day weekend 🙂
I spend Father’s Day remembering my dad (he’s no longer with us), and all the wonderful memories of years gone by, where he ran along side me, performance coaching me.
He is the one who helped me create a strong foundation of belief in the idea that I could do anything I put my mind to.
He pushed me to do what it took to make my athletic and academic dreams come true.
He helped me set clear goals and mile-makers along the way.
He made sure I stopped to celebrate my victories.
Most of all, he was there to dialogue with me when I needed the motivation to overcome difficult roadblocks and obstacles to my success.
There is a lot of power in dialoguing with someone you trust and can open up to about the process of achievement you are currently in. Â In today’s MoMonday Video: Motivational Running Buddies (click here), I will show you how taking the time to connect with that person you choose to lean on for motivational support, can kickstart your motivational engine.
One of the most essential factors determining the level of success you will achieve when setting out on any goal-setting and getting journey is building a strong support system.
Take the time to ensure that you can reach for the support you need when the going gets tough (resources, tools and people). It’s one of the most self-supportive decisions you can make.
While my father is no longer with us on Father’s Day, we still celebrate him, remembering his valuable coaching lessons and all of the wonderful highlight reel worthy memories-It’s created a mental toolbox, full of mental resources that I know will continue to support me, throughout a lifetime of striving to live my highest potential in every area of my performance.
Thanks Coach Dad 😀
In your memory, I promise to make every performance count!
-Coach Susan