Happy Monday,
Last week, I invited you into to take a closer look at what I do to self-support by looking at one of my favourite self-love and self-care routines.
I always say that in order to produce high-quality decisions and thus, high-quality results in your life and business, you absolutely must ensure that you are taking great care of your needs. One the most important needs that we all share is to take good care of ourselves and show up every single day for ourselves in self-loving ways.
The way you feel about yourself is a strong indicator of how much success you will experience in every area of your performance. If you don’t trust yourself to show up for yourself to meet those very important self-needs, how is it that you expect yourself to make those really important self-supportive decisions?
Without a strong self-love and self-care routine, incorporated somewhere into your every day autopilot decision-making process, it is unlikely that you will be able to get your other areas of performance to the next level. Whether that be your work or your personal life, it is absolutely imperative that you link taking good care of your self-needs to achieving high-performance relationships, health, career and finances.
In today’s MoMonday video: How a Self-Supportive Routine Drives High-Performance Results (click here to watch), we take a closer look at the connection between self-supportive decisions and the many other high-performance results you crave.
As mentioned in today’s video, I am hosting a webinar this Wednesday at 730pm on how to create a strong self-supportive routine. Spaces are extremely limited so make sure to opt-in to our weekly newsletter and become a member of the Elite High Performance team to reserve your seat, and you will receive top-notch training on how to best create this routine for yourself.
Remember that the relationship you have with yourself is the foundation on which you stand when you make every choice in your life. And the choices you make every single day are responsible for the results you are currently experiencing in every area of your performance. Without a strong foundation, it is unlikely that you will be able to actualize on your highest potential in any other area of your performance.
Until next time, make every performance count!
-Coach Susan