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Happy Monday,

I had a look back over my MoMonday Videos from the last couple of month’s this weekend and it got me to thinking that it has been awhile since we talked about the fundamentals of motivation.

In the past, we have talked about how to build strong motivation when starting out on any goal-setting and goal-getting journey-what we haven’t discussed in awhile is how to sustain motivation throughout that journey.

In today’s video, I’m going to show you how to keep that motivation strong, intentionally, throughout the process of achieving those really important performance outcomes.

Remember to set your alarms right now so that you remember to check in with your motivation throughout the next 24 hours. Doing so will train your brain on how to flip that motivational switch on purpose so that you have the energy and drive to overcome any performance obstacles that pop up along the way towards that finish line.

Motivation is the fuel in your mental, emotional and physiological gas tanks that helps you achieve the changes you desire. Make sure to keep those gas tanks full this week and in the weeks to come using today’s exercise and you are guaranteed to see your performance results sky-rocket.

Until next time, make every performance count!

-Coach Susan

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