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1) Do you know who you really are and all the value that you bring to the table?

2) Do you start your day motivated by fear?

3) Do you wake up and go after you day motivated by purpose?

4) Do you feel burnt-out by the end of the day?

5) Do you worry about what other people think of you?

6) Do you know what you want and why you want it?

7) Do you seek out challenges and take risks regularly?

8) Do you know how to get into a stay in a peak state?

9) Do you have quick recovery time after making a mistake?

10) Do you have a clear and strategic roadmap outlining your most important personal and professional goals and the action steps to getting there?

11) Are you able to stay focused on priorities easily?

12) Are you a confident person?

13) Is your motivation high and consistently so?

13) Do you track and measure your results/ routinely perform self-feedback?

15) Are you playing your biggest game?

High Performance Quiz
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Take the test now to find out if you’re a high-acheiver or a high-performer – because there is a difference and it is affecting your quality of life.

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