You may have a lot going on right now at home… taking care of kids, doing work, cooking, sleeping, exercising and trying to reduce your stress. At this time, it is extremely important to have accountability partners.
Intention to grow may get you started, but when it comes to sustainable, massive action that is required to LevelUp, who will hold you accountable when life’s many distractions pull at your focus?
If you had all the resources you needed to get to that next level inside of you already, you’d probably be there by now. The best way to acquire the missing resources you need to LevelUp is to align yourself with mentors or role models that already have those missing resources. .
And how about when it’s time to celebrate the victories along the way? Teammates are the best when it comes to this one – celebrating your wins with your inner growth circles releases oxytocin in the brain – one powerful way to build and boost levels of confidence and joy along the grow the way.
-Coach Susan