Nothing steals your valuable energy more than lacking recovery skills.
And your energy is the key that unlocks your ability to influence and impact your world.
We see burnout almost every day of the week coaching high-achievers – lacking adequate rest and physical recovery time, is not only reckless but a ticking time bomb to your performance.
We see eject buttons almost every week too – avoiding dealing with difficult emotions by surpressing and repressing and denying them – almost always, like a ballon pushes under water, pop up like that when you least expect it.
We see glass ceilings occur quite regularly too – people failing to manage their mindset often times stop growing, stop caring and quickly fall behind or are forced to drop out of the race completely.
Whichever the one getting you through our door, we are grateful, because clearly, there is an energy drain somewhere and you have lost you power to change on your own.
The important thing here is to recognize that failing to work on your recovery skills will cost you one of your most valuable, finite and requisite for success, resources – your energy.
Don’t wait for the brick wall friends – if you relate to any of these examples maybe it’s time to drop us a line and see how we can help…?